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Orthodox Temple of Natural Religion

Keep track of the year with our pagan calendars!

The Orthodox Temple of Natural Religion is proud to present our very own lunisolar, pagan calendars. Our calendars combine traditional and modern calendars in unison allowing everyone to keep track of holy days in conjunction with our modern time reckoning with ease without losing the value of the traditional calendars. We are currently offering Greco-Roman and Germanic pagan calendars in limited printing at $25 each. 

Pagan Calendar

Greek & Roman Pagan Calendar

Germanic calendar

Germanic Pagan Calendar

incense burning in orthodox temple for natural religion
The Organization reviving paganism

About Us

We are a 501(c)(3) incorporated religious organization working towards the advancement of natural paganism over revealed abrahamic religion. We are inclusive of all legitimate traditions of paganism that seek Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, observing natural law morality within society and between nations including Hellenic Paganism, Norse Paganism, Celtic Paganism, and all other applicable Traditions.

To learn more about the Orthodox Temple of Natural Religion, read about our fundamentals by clicking below. Blessings of the Gods be upon you always.

Theology, Cosmology, Orthodoxy, and more

Summary of Temple Teachings and Beliefs

Temple Fundamentals


Prayer and Worship

Cults, Leisure, and Spiritual Practice

Social Doctrine

Services the Temple provides

Celebrating The Revival of Orthodox Paganism

The Temple offers a number of services to the ever-growing pagan community including,

Putting Paganism back into practice

Help Us Build Pagan Temples

By making a donation and/or joining our organization, you can help build new pagan temples and holy sites, assist in the training and formation of a pagan priesthood across the various traditions, and contribute to the overall restoration of natural religion in the modern world.

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Contact Us

Send us any questions and comments and we will reply as soon as possible.

If you wish to join our organization follow the link below to apply today!

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